“Your thoughts are solely responsible for the results of your manifestations. That’s why positive self talk and reassurance is so important – Meggan Roxanne-”.

Let’s shape our thoughts and take action. Let’s reconcile with our inner selves. Do you know that any thought that will cross our mind will eventually manifest.


It’s like planting  an apple tree:

– you first gather rich fertile soil.

– you choose which apple tree you would like to plant.

– you give it an ample amount of water and sunlight

– and when the time is right and the season is set the seed will sprite into a mighty apple tree.


         The same applies to our lives. The soil represents our mind, the seeds represent the thoughts, the water represents our actions and the sun represents our feelings. If we plant an idea in our mind and believe that it is already happening and work steadily towards it, it has to manifest. Everything is related to the energy we invest. Energy attracts similar energy. You can’t put out negative energy and expect positive results.


So yes it is time to change our thoughts, and change our lifestyle.


When we are sad, stressed, depressed or anxious we tend to be trapped in a vicious circle, feeling hopeless. We should then control the negative thoughts once they pop up and regain control of our thoughts and NEVER LOSE HOPE. Watch ourselves, our body, our senses, our emotions, our imaginations and our thoughts. How? We listed below 6 ideas that will help you reach a positive you.


1. Practice Yoga

“Rule your mind or it will rule you – Buddha”. There is more to yoga than the physical practice, when we struggle with a pose, we are often struggling with a similar mental block in our lives. Practice yoga twice a week or three times a week you will feel the difference within a period of a week. Here are some yoga studios in Beirut to help you get started Beirut Yoga Center, Hamsa Yoga Space.


2. Sign Up For Gym Classes

“The mind and body are not separate, what affects one, affects the other. – Unknown”   It is a satisfaction to practice the basic exercises everyday to maintain a strong healthy body. You can chose whatever sports you like and exercise at least twice a week. Working out will help your body release the stress and improve your ability to sleep better. Check out G spa’s gym Gfit for a vigorous workout schedule.


3. Take A Walk In Nature

“All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried – Donald Miller”. Nothing heals the soul as reconnecting with mother nature that gives you inner peace. It will clear your mind and fill it with hope. This will help you take control over your thoughts and your behaviors. Here are 24 Public Gardens To Go In Beirut. Go out and enjoy the walk.


4. Read A Book

“Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are – Mason Cooley”. Train your mind to have a higher intellect so you will have higher power over the decisions you make. This will also allow you to have more willpower and shift towards good thoughts and good things will follow.  Use your mind for your own benefit. Keep your mind engaged in some worthwhile pursuit, read a good book. Check out Librairie Stephan for some good reads.


5. Practice Meditation

It is far more spiritual satisfaction to go beyond the basics and build spiritual muscles for your brain, the power to say no to evil negative thoughts, the power to resist them,”Some believe in destiny, some believe in fate, but we believe that happiness is something we create. – Sugarland” What is greater power than the one which puts you in control of yourself and your own happiness? Mediate.


6. Socialize

“The love of a family is life’s greatest blessing – Eva Burrows” Being around family and friends that care, love and support you will give you all the health and mental benefits that are associated with strong connections. Having someone to trust is an important virtue that links the past with the future and gives meaning and security to our lives. It’s not about what we have in our life, but who we have in our life that counts.


They say: “Mind, is a beautiful servant, a dangerous master – Osho”.  Remember that your mind is designed to believe what you think. Don’t let fear of failure,  pessimistic views, sarcasm and  negative criticism influence your thoughts or your behavior. Remember ‘HOPE’ can make miracles. Let go of everything you can’t control and avoid comparison with others. Be thankful by showing appreciation and gratitude for everything you have. BE POSITIVE.